Apr 30, 2011

Kate's Updates!: Yosemite Renaissance XXVI

"Yosemite Moss", watercolor on paper, 15 x 22
So exciting! I came home from a dog walk today and found a letter from Yosemite Renaissance telling me my painting, Yosemite Moss was an award winner ! This was one of those things I forgot about as the show went up in February and is now on a traveling exhibition around the South Peninsula. I never even knew I "was a winner" until today. Love when life throws a little bone to you like that.


Raechel said...

Oh YES!!
I love the painting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate!That's a very nice painting(: I'm planning on joining the next Yosemite Renaissance, and I was just wondering what i needed to include in the package that i send over there. I know i need the original painting, a CD with a picture of it, and what else?

Kate Peper said...

Dear Anonymous:

Thank you for the compliment!
Just go to the below address and you'll see the requirements. The hardest part was shipping the piece (you must use plexi), but once it got shipped, they handle everything else. It's currently still "on tour" with some of the other pieces, so it got a much longer shelf life than I expected!

Good Luck,
