Aug 3, 2009

Kate's Updates!

Lettering for an Ashram sign!:

I had never been to an Ashram before, but this past weekend I was able to remedy that. A few weeks ago, I had been asked to paint the lettering, the borders and the little elephant in the corner on the Sonoma Ashram's Welcome sign. No, I don't usually do lettering nor do I often paint in acrylic, but this was such a sweet little job, I had to give it a whirl. And this Saturday I drove up to the Ashram and hung the sign with Daphne White, the head of the Ashram's board. It was she, in fact, that contacted me to do the job. And it was through a mutual poet friend that connected Daphne with me (thank you, 'lyn!)

I stayed and met the Ashram's spiritual leader, Babaji, and petted goats, a kitty and photographed the lovely grounds. Loved it! So peaceful and calm, and only 40 minutes away from my house. I am definitely going back for a needed zen time-out. (They even have yoga classes)!

Sign as seen from the parking lot as you enter the Ashram.

The entry garden as you walk in...Ganesh with flowers.

The fountain with sunflower "sentries".

These are just some of the veggies and other
edibles the Ashram grows on the grounds.
They are sold at the Sonoma Farmer's Market.

Very curious, darling goats. Soon, the Ashram will be making its own
milk and even ice cream from these gals!


Anonymous said...

What a cute little elephant! I'll have to check this place out.

Kate Peper said...

Thank you! It's a darling spot..I was just thinking of all the beautiful flowers they had there and those sweet goats!