Jun 1, 2013

New Painting!

"Early Risers", 9 x 12, watercolor on Claybord©
This painting has been in my head for a long time, but I never felt moved to paint it, until I got a request from Susan Terris, editor of Spillway, to create an image that would go with my poem, "Photo of a Slice of an Infant's Face". This poem is forthcoming, so I can't print it here,  but it's safe to say the inspiration was, indeed, what the title states. I further elaborated on the idea of an infant born dead and the mother's reaction to this, the names she may have chosen, the room that was made ready, and my own observations, such as the abstraction of this slice into something more like a map with tributaries (the veins and arteries), a harbor (the open mouth) and a small lake (the eye).

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