Sep 14, 2010

Kate's Updates!.....Big Painting Sale

Folks, it's that time of year when a little house cleaning has to be done! I have many paintings, most of them framed, that would love a "forever home". They are languishing in the dark corners of my house and would just love to hang in a YOUR lit hallway, cozy living room or even the kitchen nook!
Prices reduced to the starving artist level! Think ahead for the Holidays or those darn autumn birthdays that suddenly spring up. I will gladly hand-deliver the piece if you are in Marin, Berkeley, San Francisco or Sonoma...and if you're really nice, maybe even farther.
Just a note: Paintings done on clayboard have no glass, are treated to resist fading and running and the wood "cradle" (the frame itself) is stained a dark brown.
Feel free to ask me more questions by email!

Zest III, 12 x 12, watercolor on clayboard  
Zest III & Zest II below were $350 as listed on my website, but I'm selling it for $150!

Zest II, 12 x 12, watercolor on clayboard
The Bold One, 16 x 20, watercolor & gouache on clayboard
The Bold One, (not shown on my website) would normally sell for $450, but is now $200!

The Tiburon Railroad Ferry Depot, 14 x 11, watercolor on paper, framed
The Tiburon Railroad Ferry Depot is beautifully framed and retails at $400, but is now $250 (which is the price of the framing!)

Nicasio Pumpkins, 18 x 24, watercolor on paper
Nicasio Pumpkins desperately needs a home! The original price was $500, now going for $250!

Green Peppers, 19 1/2 x 15 1/2, watercolor on paper, framed   
 Green Peppers is beautifully framed with a white mat and frame--great in a kitchen! Now on sale for $275!

Winter Tree, 14 x 11, watercolor on paper, framed

 Winter Tree would look great in a blue bathroom or bedroom--now, only $200!

Garden Tableau, 16 x 20, gouache on clayboard

 Garden Tableau was done au plein air on an organic farm in Point Reyes. It retails for $450 and now is

Sunset in Bredeson Park, 11 x 14, watercolor on paper, framed
Bredeson Park Blue, 11 x 14, watercolor on paper, framed
These two Bredeson Park paintings have been in my life for a l-o-o-ooong time (Bredeson Park is in Edina, Minnesota, that's how long!) and would love a home other than the corner behind the stereo speaker. They originally hung as a pair in our bedroom and are now going for $250 for the pair, or $125 each.

...and I have more that I'll be listing on future posts coming in the next week, so I'll keep you appraised!
As always, thanks for looking. Feel free to pass this link on to anyone you know who might be interested.

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